Why you must have blogs on your website
How many blogs do you have on your website? Do you spend a lot of time on this? And do you know exactly what a blog can do for your website?
For the Google findability of your website (also called SEO in marketing terms), blogging is incredibly interesting. This is because it is the perfect place to place keywords that you would like to be found on. A logical start, then, is to make sure you have the keywords or topics you want to be found on. Then you can write blog(s) on these topics, incorporating the search terms, and publish them on your website. That way, when someone searches for that particular keyword, Google will link through to your blog. And then once they’re on your website, of course you hope they’ll click through and read on….
Want to know more about exactly how search engine marketing works? Annika already wrote an extensive blog about this once. More tips on blogging specifically and what it can do for your website will follow in the rest of this blog.
Keywords research
So step one is to make sure you have the keywords or topics you want to be found on. The tool I always use when doing keyword research is Ubersuggest by Neil Patell. This website is really super useful for getting keyword ideas, seeing how a particular keyword ranks in Google, and it also gives you other information about how your website ranks on SEO (think backlinks, for example).
The free version already offers tremendous features and there is also a Google Chrome extension of it.
So it’s quite fun to take a look around here and see how you can improve the findability of your website even more!

Four tips for blogging on your website
Do you find it difficult to start blogging? Don’t know what your blogs should be about or what to look out for? I think these four tips will get you a long way!
Tip #1: Quantity vs. quality!
In the case of blogging, it’s hard to say which of these two is more important. Of course the quality of your blog must be good! And I’m talking about some simple things: the readability of the text (use paragraphs! and write your own language), the size of the blog (at least 300 words) and, of course, the topic should be relevant. But in the case of quantity, there is also something to be said: Google also likes it when websites regularly put new content on their websites and rewards that too by ranking them higher in search results. So try to write a new blog article at least once a month. More often is allowed, of course!
Tip #2: Value
You don’t write a blog just for the sake of writing or because it’s necessarily so good for your SEO. Of course, there must be something of value in your blog! Certain knowledge you want to convey to your website visitor or customer, fun tips, an infographic or information about your product, for example. A good blog also always links to multiple sources outside the website. And within your blog, you can also link back to other blogs you’ve written. Either way, make sure there is some form of value in your blog.
Tip #3: Choosing a topic
One of the hardest things about writing a blog is choosing a topic. But very difficult this need not be! For example, did you write a very interesting newsletter or social media post on a particular topic? Were there many responses to questions? You can really use that topic again for a blog! And be sure to always “look around” for topics. For example, you’re bound to suddenly come across something interesting on social media or in someone else’s newsletter that could inspire you for a blog topic.
Tip #4: Name recognition or authority
Blogs can also help you get more brand awareness. Especially also by, for example, posting a guest blog on another channel, which will make your name come up again briefly. That way, you will also be seen as an “expert” or “authority” in a particular field. Or the other way around: do you find it really hard to blog or are you just not good at it yourself? Ask someone else to write a guest blog for your website!
Bonus tip: reuse!
Did you write a nice blog? Again, of course, you can post about this on your social media channels or you can refer to it in your newsletter. Try to reuse your content that way, so you’re not constantly reinventing the wheel.
Good luck!